Do you see my screen now?
How many times haven’t we heard this question in digital meetings since the spring of 2020.
Completely unnecessarily!
Instead of asking this superfluous question, revealing your insecurity at handling modern meetings, find out yourself what they see! Simply join the meeting on a second device – as participant. Use your mobile phone or your iPad as in did for the picture. Or on a PC if you usually use a Mac or the other way around.*
Just make sure to avoid joining the audio part of the meeting, to avoid disturbing sound feedback.
You actually get two extra benefits:
- *You get a better understanding of the meetings looking different on different devices (especially between mobile units and computers, but also between PC and Mac)
- If you use breakout rooms, your ”participant device” will get assigned to one of the rooms which will give you a visual indication of how things are going in there. Do they look comfortable or confused?
You might want to rename your extra device to indicate that it is a passive participant. I sometimes rename mine ”Peter’s ghost participant”.
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